Learn How To Effortlessly Find A Fulfilling, Lasting Relationship

Your Single Days Are Over – This “Secret Weapon” Makes Dating & Meeting Men, Not Only Simple, But Amazingly Fun! My Step-By-Step Guide Will Teach You How To Start Using It Today To Attract The Man Of Your Dreams

What if you could eliminate all the uncertainty, struggle and hopelessness from finding yourself in go-nowhere relationships, dating men who suddenly withdraw, or wondering why that one special guy isn’t calling you back?

What if the process of finding a fulfilling relationship could be not only effortless, but amazingly FUN?

What would it be like if you felt completely and utterly IRRESISTIBLE because you had your pick of several men who were all bending over backwards to please you?

Imagine a life where the man you were attracted to called exactly when he said he would – because he didn’t want to lose out on spending time with you.

Imagine feeling so desired and beautiful because the man you’re attracted to or in a relationship with thinks you’re a valuable and rare “catch.”

I know there’s nothing more confidence-bashing than a man who doesn’t call back or doesn’t tell you how he feels about you or doesn’t care about making you feel special and precious. It can make you feel downright AWFUL and UNWANTED.

You’re about to learn how to have a man CHASING YOU and begging you for your time and attention. The key is knowing how to use the one powerful Tool that I call “the best-kept secret in the Universe” when it comes to dating and relationships. It’s so powerful and effective, it’s virtually a cure for whatever ails you in love.

Make Him Crazy With Desire

♥ 6+ hours of video lessons to capture his heart
♥ 60 pages of dating strategies, exercises, tools
♥ 30 days of daily coaching videos with me
♥ Streaming or downloadable format
♥ Immediate Access on all devices
♥ Money-Back Guarantee

Only $249 (best value!)
or 4 payments of $62.25


The 3 Big Mistakes Most Women Make That Prevent Them From Getting Their Dream Man…

So many of us become “lost” the moment we fall for a man. Immediately he becomes the center of our world. But the moment we even THINK about a man as the “center of our world,” his feelings of attraction for us go away. It may feel good to his ego… but it does nothing inside his heart. What makes a man go crazy for a woman is the fact that he might lose her.

Mistake #1 – Chasing HIM

You chase him by calling him first, texting him all the time, asking where he was and why he didn’t call, offering to make him dinner when he hasn’t asked you first, talking about your future together or the fact that you’re a couple when he hasn’t expressed that himself… etc. It’s about GIVING without getting much back.

When you “chase” a man, he’ll back away even further. Even if you’re only thinking about chasing him. It doesn’t matter. The vibe is out there, and he feels it.

Mistake #2 – Becoming Exclusive Too Soon

We’ve been taught that the way to go in love is to get a man to commit to us exclusively as quickly as possible.

The TRUTH is that demanding, expecting, and yes, even wanting “exclusivity” with a man too soon is a demonstration of weakness to him.

“How could that be?” you ask… It’s like this:

When a man senses that you’re willing to fully invest yourself in a relationship with him BEFORE he’s ready to commit, it lowers your “Degree of Difficulty” (how hard you are to “get” and his perception of your worth) practically down to zero.

Mistake #3 – Not Dating At All Or “Dating And Hating It”

It’s easy to start feeling that no men measure up to your standards. Or to be afraid of losing the one man you want by dating other men. So you don’t date. Instead, you focus on getting that one man BACK.

When you narrow down your options like this, you’re giving up your freedom for no reason and missing out on meeting Mr. Right.

Introducing The Secret Weapon That Ends Go-Nowhere Relationships Forever

There’s a magic Tool that works practically every time to get a man’s attention, elevate your worth, and get a commitment-phobic man to “snap to” and decide quickly what he wants from a relationship with you. It’s something I call Circular Dating. Circular Dating means dating more than one man at the same time, or dating “yourself” and flirting with other men.

That’s right… it’s not just about officially “dating” men. It can also be about simply and easily INTERACTING with men in your everyday life, WITHOUT any fear or guilt, without giving out your number or email, and without an actual “date.”

How Circular Dating Can Help You Target Mr. Right And Get Him To Commit


Circular Dating Stops Neediness, Anxiety And Desperation

You actually start FEELING more interesting and attractive because men see you this way. Your Degree of Difficulty automatically and effortlessly goes up – right along with your self-esteem. You have choices, you’re not sitting around waiting for one man to call, and you’re having a blast meeting different people and doing different, interesting things every weekend.


Circular Dating Makes Him Want You More

He’ll suddenly want you MORE, but won’t understand why. He’ll realize there’s a good chance you’ll leave him, and that he has to step up or risk losing you forever. And, if you do it right, he’ll feel pulled toward you by your warmth, openness and inner strength. There is absolutely NOTHING more attractive to a man than a woman who really, truly, is focused on her own needs and does not let her love for a man come before her love for herself.


Circular Dating Lets Him Know What You Want Without “Drama”

We’re often afraid to tell a man how we feel and what we want because we don’t want to rock the boat. At the same time, we’re afraid to let another man pay attention to us, for fear the man we’re with will become upset. But here’s the thing: (and I want you to really HEAR this) him getting upset and angry is the point! BUT… you want him to feel this on his OWN.

You don’t want to tell him what he’s doing wrong, you don’t want “drama” or neediness and desperation, because that just knocks you backwards with him. Circular Dating will do it FOR YOU. He’ll get that you’re the best woman in his life and that if he doesn’t move quickly and change his behavior he’s going to LOSE you.


Circular Dating Is Free Therapy

Circular Dating is about using every interaction with a man as your coaching session – where you learn to be the most attractive, desirable and sought-after woman you ever thought possible. You can use Circular Dating when you’re running errands, when you’re at a class, when you’re just walking through a parking lot… anywhere and everywhere! The world of men is your classroom. With every “hello,” every conversation, every interaction, you’ll be one step closer to understanding men better and feeling more confident as a result.

How A Woman Just Like You Landed Her Perfect Man… Simply By Using The Most Powerful Tool In Her Love Arsenal

Handsome Man Smiling

Circular Dating has been a transformational relationship and dating Tool for hundreds of my personal clients. The first time I discovered it was more than 20 years ago, when my live-in boyfriend (now husband) told me that he wasn’t ready to make a life-long commitment to me.

There I was – living with a man who wasn’t sure he wanted to commit to me or have me in his life. I couldn’t afford to move out, and I really didn’t want to lose him because I loved him. I wasn’t sure what to do at first.

After feeling completely in despair for a few days, I had a revelation. He could take all the time he wanted to come to a decision about us, but he couldn’t have me all to himself while he was mulling it over! I focused on making myself happy instead of trying to make him happy, and I started the process of Circular Dating. Two weeks later, he proposed to me.

My Targeting Mr. Right Program Teaches You Everything You Need To Know About Circular Dating

Targeting Mr. Right is my unique and completely comprehensive GUIDE on Circular Dating. It’s the HOW-TO, soup-to-nuts plan on where to find men to Circular Date, what to say when they flirt, what to do on a date, and how to handle dating (or simply flirting and interacting) with multiple men.

In Targeting Mr. Right, I show you how to be at the center of many men who are all admiring you – like a target – all while you’re getting closer to targeting the ONE MAN who’s right for you. If you’re already a “girlfriend” and want to ease into this, I’ll show you exactly how to interact, speak to, or flirt with every man you come in contact with. You’ll be able to practice my powerful Tools without having to go on a single date if you don’t want to.

In Targeting Mr. Right, You’ll Learn:

  • How to use Circular Dating as Free Therapy: build your self-esteem and confidence around men
  • How to handle almost ANY Circular Dating scenario through real demonstrations
  • What to do and say if your man gets upset or angry over your decision to Circular Date
  • One critical RULE about what you need to do in order to be attractive to every man you meet
  • How to handle every kind of feeling, including jealousy, fear, guilt and loneliness
  • What to say about sexual exclusivity… and exactly WHEN to bring it up
  • “The Diva Creed” – a 5 phrase mantra for your “inner Diva” that actually keeps you from getting hooked on relationships that don’t work.
  • A simple, written exercise to figure out your core needs and the 3 ways to get those needs met
  • How to use your masculine energy to get your feminine needs met

This Program Includes:

Part 1 – Becoming The Prize

Part 1: Becoming The Prize

  • If your Mr. Right showed up, would he see you? Here's how to make sure he doesn't slip away.
  • The "Auction Effect" – how to inspire a man to feel that you're the one woman he needs to win
  • How to avoid being stuck in girlfriend mode forever (so you can ultimately get the commitment you really want)
  • The "6 E's" you need to live by in order to be attractive to the right man and to feel completely confident in your ability to attract him
Part 2 – Determining What You Need

Part 2: Determining What You Need

  • How to create an online profile that will attract the man you want and weed out the ones who will waste your time or break your heart
  • The key to avoid getting blindsided by chemistry and winding up in unhealthy relationships
  • How to identify your core values so that you don't settle for a relationship that's less than what you want
  • How to dress in a way that will make you feel like a goddess, get you noticed, and make a powerful impression
Part 3 – Drawing The Right One In

Part 3: Drawing The Right One In

  • Where to find your "pool of men" and how to sharpen your radar for the guy who is best for you
  • A fun flirting technique any woman can do – no matter how shy you are – to magnetize a man to you
  • How to encourage a man to speak to you (without you having to say a single word)
  • Determining your "rules" for dating – including whether to accept a date at the last minute
Part 4 – Dating Dos and Don'ts

Part 4: Dating Dos and Don'ts

  • How to manage dating multiple men – and what to do when you've met someone you want to sleep with
  • Why appreciation is a powerful tool in drawing in your Mr. Right (and how to know if you're being too grateful)
  • How to stop your dates from becoming awkward interviews – plus how to answer him when he asks you certain questions
  • How to know whether you've finally met your Mr. Right – and avoid getting trapped by the wrong one
Part 5 – Dating As Free Therapy

Part 5: Dating As Free Therapy

  • Getting over the fears that are getting in the way of love for you – fear of abandonment, fear of upsetting him, fear of appearing high maintenance
  • What to do when he gets upset with you (and how to feel empowered when it happens)
  • The questions you need to ask yourself when you get triggered by a man
  • How to fall deeply in love with yourself – including all your weaknesses – so that a man can, too

ADD 30 Days Of Video Coaching With Me – Absolutely Free!

Heart To Heart Daily Coaching 1-Month Free

As my gift to you, you can opt to receive a full free month of my Heart To Heart Daily Coaching videos. These daily “mini lessons” teach you how to LIVE my Siren Tools — day in and day out — to create a dramatic change in your love life.

For less than $1 a day, you’ll get daily guidance, support, and encouragement from me. This routine will strengthen your inner Siren power, no matter what situation arises with a man.

If you love it, do nothing and continue the daily lessons for only $29.97/mo. If, for any reason, you aren’t completely satisfied, simply let me know and pay nothing at all — and still keep the first month for free.

Watch This Entire Program Online RIGHT NOW, Risk Free And Receive:

  • 6+ hours of video material – you can watch immediately online CC
  • Accompanying workbook – full of teaching slides and helpful material
  • Detailed track listing – for quick access to find & re-watch your favorite chapters
  • Tools and advice – immediate access

Because I want as many women as possible to benefit from this program, I’ve priced it at only 4 easy monthly payments of $62.25… and it comes with my better-than-money-back guarantee.

I care personally about you and your relationship success, and I’m 100% confident I can help you get there…

You can download my programs or watch them online from your computer, smartphone, or other portable device.

Try Targeting Mr. Right RISK-FREE for 7 days. If for any reason you’re not happy, simply let me know before the 7 days are up, and I’ll give you a full refund.

My Risk-Free Promise

Make Him Crazy With Desire

♥ 6+ hours of video lessons to capture his heart
♥ 60 pages of dating strategies, exercises, tools
♥ 30 days of daily coaching videos with me
♥ Streaming or downloadable format
♥ Immediate Access on all devices
♥ Money-Back Guarantee

Only $249 (best value!)
or 4 payments of $62.25


Here’s What Other Women Are Saying...

  • This program has been a phenomenal eye-opener… She has shown us a tool that can effect change in our life. Major, profound change. I am so thankful to her.”

  • I find Rori very exciting… and very dynamic, articulate, engaging, and easy to relate to. I really did get things that we have to do today that I can go back to and continue to use.”

  • I learned some new tricks… Young or old, there’s something for everybody and for women who are in relationships already, there’s benefit there too in how to relate better and get more connection.”

Start following the simple guidelines and step-by-step plan, and you’ll be amazed by the change that will happen in your love life and in how your man sees you and feels about you. You’ll feel desirable, worthy of love, confident, and completely ecstatic about dating and relationships.


Rori Raye

Make Him Crazy With Desire

♥ 6+ hours of video lessons to capture his heart
♥ 60 pages of dating strategies, exercises, tools
♥ 30 days of daily coaching videos with me
♥ Streaming or downloadable format
♥ Immediate Access on all devices
♥ Money-Back Guarantee

Only $249 (best value!)
or 4 payments of $62.25